To stand out in the job market, get to grips with ChatGPT

The expansion of access to higher education is prompting employers and recruiters to pay closer attention to the additional skills of job applicants. If human qualities – the famous soft skills – have become a decisive criterion for hiring, the mastery of artificial intelligence could prove just as important.

At least, so suggests a survey* of 800 American employers conducted by the online magazine Employers are aware that the arrival of artificial intelligence in the workplace will lead to profound organisational changes. This is why they are looking to surround themselves with employees who know how to use this technology, and ChatGPT in particular.

The overwhelming majority of business leaders surveyed believe that it is important to have some mastery of OpenAI’s chatbot to stand out in the job market. They even see it as a real asset for junior profiles.

Over 80% of business leaders believe that young graduates will significantly improve their resume if they mention the fact that they have experience with ChatGPT. Some 49% of them go even further, saying that, in some cases, knowing how ChatGPT works can be more valuable than having a college degree.

This shows just how much employers believe in the potential of generative artificial intelligence to revolutionise the world of work. They see knowledge of ChatGPT as a potential career accelerator for young workers, just like so-called mad skills. That’s why three quarters of business leaders urge young people to learn how to use this chatbot during their university studies.

Similarly, employers stress the need for workers to take online training courses to learn how to use generative artificial intelligence wisely. In their eyes, knowledge of the concepts and workings of this technology is essential to being more productive and creative in day-to-day professional life.

Still, jobseekers can rest assured: at present, only a minority of companies require their future employees to know how to use ChatGPT. However, this could change in the years to come. For example, 79% of business leaders say that by 2025, entry-level candidates will need to demonstrate experience of ChatGPT if they want their resume to attract the attention of recruiters. – AFP Relaxnews
