Former Ohio coach admits obtaining nude photos of boys by posing as teen girl online

COLUMBUS, Ohio : A former assistant volleyball coach at a high school in southeast Ohio pleaded guilty on April 17 to posing as a teen girl online so he could obtain nude photos of boys, reports say.

Clay Thomas Wolfe , 28, of Junction City in Perry County , pleaded guilty to sexually exploiting minors and possessing child pornography, the Dispatch reports. Wolfe, who was an assistant coach at New Lexington High School , was arrested in June 2023 .

The US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Ohio accused Wolfe of obtaining hundreds of nude images of children from more than 100 victims. Wolfe posed as a 15-year-old girl named Ally on the online app Snapchat and would send victims nude photos of a young girl.

Prosecutors say Wolfe was able to obtain photos from middle school and high school boys from Pennsylvania , Minnesota , and Chillicothe, Ohio , as well as from other cities in Ohio and across the US. Some of the victims were as young as 10 years old, prosecutors say.

Snapchat records show Wolfe contacted more than 100 other users on Snapchat between March 2022 and January 2023 , prosecutors say. He reportedly had more than 100 photos and videos of underage children on his iCloud account.