China military took measures to warn Australia in jet incident, its ministry says

BEIJING (Reuters): China’s military took necessary measures to warn Australia, the foreign ministry in Beijing said, after Australia said a Chinese fighter jet endangered an Australian military helicopter during an “unsafe” confrontation over the Yellow Sea.

“The Australian military aircraft flew near China’s airspace in a threatening way,” said Lin Jian, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry. “The China military took necessary measures to warn the Australian side.”

China also added on Tuesday that its military took steps to warn and alert an Australian aircraft after Canberra blamed a Chinese fighter jet for endangering one of its military helicopters during an “unsafe” confrontation over the Yellow Sea.

The incident could create a new rift between the nations trying to rebuild ties following a 2020 low, when Canberra called for an independent investigation into the origins of Covid-19 and Beijing responded with trade barriers.

Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles said the Chinese air force J-10 jet dropped flares above and several hundred metres ahead of an Australian MH60R Seahawk helicopter on a routine flight on May 4. No one was hurt in the incident, which happened during an operation to enforce sanctions against North Korea.

Premier Anthony Albanese said it was unacceptable for Australian defence personnel to be put at risk in international airspace.

On May 7, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the Australian aircraft deliberately flew within close range of China’s airspace in a “provocative move” that endangered maritime air security.

“The Australian military aircraft flew near China’s airspace in a threatening way,” the spokesman, Mr Lin Jian, told a regular news briefing.

“The Chinese military took necessary measures at the scene to warn and alert the Australian side,” he said, adding that the situation was handled in a manner consistent with China’s law and regulations, and was professional and safe.

“China has lodged serious protests with the Australian side over its risky moves,” Mr Lin said. “We urge the Australian side to immediately stop the provocations and hype to prevent misunderstanding and miscalculation.”

Australia has also previously charged China with “unsafe and unprofessional” actions at sea.

In Sydney, Mr Albanese told broadcaster Nine’s Today Show that the Australian Defence Force personnel were “in international waters, international airspace”, as they worked to ensure that UN sanctions imposed on North Korea were enforced.

“They shouldn’t have been at any risk,” he said, adding that the Australian public expected an explanation from China about the incident, and Australia had made “very strong representations at every level to China”.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang is expected to visit Australia in June, he said, adding: “We will make our position clear as well in discussions.”

The helicopter, flying from destroyer HMAS Hobart, had dodged the flares. Although no one was hurt, the confrontation put the aircraft and those on board at risk, Australia’s defence department said in a separate statement.

This is the second such incident in six months to mar what has otherwise been a growing rapprochement between the two countries after years of strained relations and trade disputes.

In November, Australia said a Chinese naval vessel injured some of its divers in Japanese waters using an underwater sonar. China denied it had used its sonar, but Australia rejected that.

In 2022, Canberra protested after a Chinese navy vessel pointed a laser at an Australian military aircraft close to Australia’s northern coast. In a separate incident in 2022, Canberra said a Chinese fighter aircraft dangerously intercepted an Australian military surveillance plane in the South China Sea, releasing a “bundle of chaff” containing pieces of aluminium that were ingested into the Australian aircraft’s engine.

Mr Liu Jianchao, head of the international department of the Communist Party of China, said during a visit to Australia in November that the Australian navy’s movements in the South China Sea and East China Sea appeared to be an effort to contain China.

Australia has rejected this, saying it respects the right of all states to exercise freedom of navigation and overflight in accordance with international law.

China claims sovereignty over much of the South China Sea, a conduit for over US$3 trillion (S$4 trillion) in annual ship-borne trade, including parts claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.

An international tribunal in 2016 said China’s expansive claim had no legal basis.

Chinese navy vessels have been tracked off Australia’s coast several times in recent years, including in monitoring exercises with the US military. – REUTERS